Эпизоды • 18+ • Смешанный мастеринг • Расширенная вселенная + Новый Канон • VIII.17 AFE • VIII.35 ABY

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Армитаж Хакс

Ищем генерала, гения, популярного политика, звезду пропаганды и любителя доминировать над этим миром.

Нестор Рен

Ищем самого спокойного и терпимого рыцаря Рен в этом безумном мире

Аарон Ларс

Ищем медицинское светило, строгого медика, способного собрать мясной конструктор под названием “человек” и снова отправить его на работу.

Эрик Ран

Ищем самого отбитого мудака по мнению отбитых мудаков для Джин Эрсо.

Винсса Фел

Ищем подрастающее имперское солнышко, которое светит, но не всем.

Дэвитс Дравен

Ищем генерала Дэвитса Дравена, командира самой задорной разведки в этой Галактике.

Арамил Рен

Ищем талантливого ученика и личную головную боль Магистра Рен.

Гарик Лоран

Ищем генерала разведки, командира самой отбитой эскадрильи эвер, гениального актера, зловредного пирата и заботливого мужа в одной упаковке.

По Дэмерон

Ищем По Дэмерона, чтобы прыгнуть в крестокрыл и что-нибудь взорвать.

Эфин Саррети

Ищем лучшего моффа Империи, по совместительству самую жизнерадостную сладкую булочку в галактике.


Ищем левую руку мастера Иблиса, самый серьёзный аргумент для агрессивных переговоров.

Маарек Стил

Ищем имперского аса и бывшую Руку Императора, которая дотянулась до настоящего.

Джаггед Фел

Ищем сына маминой подруги, вгоняет в комплекс неполноценности без регистрации и смс.

Ора Джулиан

Ищем майора КорБеза, главного по агрессивным переговорам с пиратами, контрабандистами и прочими антигосударственными элементами.

Дерек Кливиан

Не знаю, найдется ли здесь хоть один идиот, который рассчитывал бы получить за Тика с Веджем креды вместо лазболта.

Люк Скайуокер

Осталась в нем с юности некая капелька того, прежнего Скайуокера, который, как любой мальчишка, получал удовольствие от чужого восхищения собственными выходками.

Генриетта Антиллес

Сюда не прилетят из соседней галактики, не припаркуется за углом синяя будка, ведомая меняющим лица чудаком в разноцветном шарфе, так что если хочешь спастись — спасай себя сама.

Дарт Вейдер

Вейдер знает про страх все, узнает все его оттенки, и вкус страха Тени ему нравится — сейчас. Не тем особенным ощущением, когда жертва состоит из чистого ужаса, теряя себя в нем, а скорее тем, что для разумного на такой должности это... приемлемо.

Гэвин Дарклайтер

Это когда получаешь командирские нашивки, пропорционально звучности звания приходится чаще высовывать нос из расположения эскадрильи, где понятие нормы было явно смещено, туда, где вы, летуны, ненормальные на всю голову — а там и умело мимикрировать под эту внешнюю нормальность.

Star Wars Medley

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[AU] Without me you would be dead

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Cassian Andor, Kay Tooesso

Время: 11 BBY
Место: in a galaxy far, far away
Описание: Cassian is old enough to start helping out on missions, but apparently he isn’t old enough to do it on his own.

the timeline

10.V — Cassian is assigned to be Kay’s trainee
11.V — Kay and Cassian get their first mission and discuss how to approach it. Sometime later that day they go to Uquine.
20.V — a woman comes to them with a job, “a simple fishing tool which can provide access to internal messages of any network it’s implemented into.” They suspect she’s from a cell. (And she is from a fake one.)
21.V — in the morning after finishing the job they talk about why Cassian things the Empire is bad. Cassian passes the finished job back to the woman. Kay tinkers with commlinks turning them into GPS, and in the evening they both go to a (rebel) talk at a cantina called Low Deck. There are people watching them at the cantina. Kay gets thoroughly drunk, and Cassian has to drag him home. The apartment didn’t get searched as Kay thought it would.
22.V — Kay tasks Cassian with asking around about the people who watched them in the cantina the day before. Cassian learns from his friends that there are two cells, one is fake, the other is not.
25.V — a twi’lek and a woman (from a real cell) ambush Kay and Cassian on their home from a grocery store. They demand explanation about Cassian asking around risky question a few days ago. Turns out, the rebels know the woman, Marani, too. Cassian and Kay learn that Marani was about to switch sides when she was killed—right after she collected their work. Kay is forced to show the twi’lek his slave marks so the rebels would let them both go. Finally, they exchange contacts.
26.V — Kay suddenly leaves Cassian alone and goes looking for the Imperial cell.
27.V — The next day the fake cell comes and searches the apartment while Cassian is out.
29.V — a man (Elek), saying he’s from a local rebel cell, comes to Cassian with a job, he wants a simple decoding program.
30.V — Not succeeding in his endeavour, Kay returns to the apartment where he left Cassian. They exchange the news. Cassian explains what he did while Kay was absent and they come to the conclusion that their landlord is a part of the game, possibly helping the fake cell. They contact the rebel cell and learn that they got searched by the fake cell. Kay infects the datadisk Cassian is going to give their new client (Elek) from the day before with a virus to learn their hiding spot.
31.V — Cassian goes to pass the datadisk to the client (Elek). His task is to get intel but instead he gets kidnapped by Elek. Mist Osh (the landlord) paralyzes and kidnaps Kay. Cassian escapes.
32.V — Together with local rebels Cassian frees Kay, they kill Elek and Mist. After welcoming local rebels to the bigger Rebellion, Cassian and Kay go back to the rebel base. In the evening Kay asks Draven to reassign him, but Draven refuses.
33.V — Kay low-key tortures Cassian to teach him a lesson. Under torture Cassian tells Kay that the name of the girl he likes is Thea. Kay suggests Cassian should go to therapy and work through his issues caused by being an orphan on Fest and then an orphan on the rebel base.
34–35.V + Fruitfulness Day + 1–6.VI — Kay is training Cassian at the rebel base.
7.VI — Kay and Cassian get a new mission. They are tasked with getting intel from one of the rebel informants at Coruscant.
10.VI — Kay and Cassian arrive to Coruscant.

[nick]Kay Tooesso[/nick][status]what are the odds[/status][icon]https://s7.postimg.cc/akubc07uz/Chiwetel_Ejiofor.jpg[/icon][LZ]<a href="https://swmedley.rusff.me/viewtopic.php?id=75#p815">IDENTIFICATION CARD</a><div class="lz-hr"></div><b>Kay Tooesso</b>, <br>Alliance intelligence officer[/LZ]

Отредактировано K-2SO (16-09-2021 10:10:25)



    He guessed the topic of their exercise right, and Cassian admits to liking some girl on the base. Kay doesn’t really care if the kid likes someone or not, it’s none of his business. And he certainly isn’t about to start giving him advice on how to approach her—stars know, he’s not the kind of person to whom people even think to turn for such advice. How to kill, how to lie, how to stay hidden—sure. Relationships—no. The only part of it which is important to Kay is the fact that teenagers hate sharing their feelings like this. They keep their love a secret, afraid to be embarrassed, and they would go to great lengths to keep the secret.
    Almost to the same lengths an agent would go to keep themselves from spilling valuable information about their mission. But not quite.
    Kay nods and gets closer to Cassian, puts his right arm on the kid’s right shoulder as if to reassure him about something. “I am going to hurt you now. Badly. Whatever I do, keep yourself from giving up anything about that girl for as long as you can. You can scream, nobody will hear you.” His grip on Cassian’s shoulder tightens. “Nobody.”
    Kay waits just a second. Steels himself. This is just as important for him as it is for Cassian. His attachment to this kid must not get in the way. If Kay absolutely has to, he still should be able to hurt him, break him, even kill him. Nothing the kid does should move him, make him change his mind. In a way, it’s a method to prove himself he can still do it.
    The second passes.
    “Are you ready?” Kay doesn’t even finish the question—he moves suddenly, twisting Cassian’s arm behind his back, pushing him closer to the ground, applying pressure precisely so the kid would feel the burn but should be able to withstand it for now. It’s not strictly physical pain Kay aims to inflict. It would work better if he didn’t lay out the rules first. However, it’s an exercise, and Cassian needed to know his goal. “Before we begin this, I feel you should know what I really think. Nobody on Fest deserved to live. They were all traitors, those separatists, scum that couldn’t think past their own little agendas. Dumb little pieces in the big game they didn’t even understand before it was too late. Without them the Empire would never exist, so they got exactly what they were fighting for. You deserved to die as well, just like your parents did, it’s a pity you survived, but one can’t simply kill all the roaches in one go, right? You even survived the mission. I am genuinely impressed,” Kay talks in his usual calm tone, but there is a scathing edge to his voice. “But like I’ve told you, your luck won’t last long, kid.”
    Kay increases pressure ever so slightly—to the point, where Cassian will feel it deep in his body.
    “Now. Tell me who is that girl, what’s her name?”
[nick]Kay Tooesso[/nick][status]what are the odds[/status][icon]https://s7.postimg.cc/akubc07uz/Chiwetel_Ejiofor.jpg[/icon][LZ]<br><center><a href="https://swmedley.rusff.me/viewtopic.php?id=75#p815">IDENTIFICATION CARD</a><br><br><img src="https://forumstatic.ru/files/0018/1a/00/81098.png"><br><b>Kay Tooesso</b>, <br>Alliance intelligence officer</center>[/LZ]

Отредактировано K-2SO (25-01-2019 00:05:19)



[status]odds? what odds?[/status][icon]http://s9.uploads.ru/vxoKZ.jpg[/icon][LZ]<b>Cassian Andor</b>, <br>your trouble[/LZ]It doesn't go the way Cassian has expected it to go. Is it a mental exercise or a physical test? Both, maybe? Cassian doesn't know much about building pain tolerance and resisting that urge to do anything he can to put it to the end. He was thirteen when he tried, and he was secretly glad the general was so mad about it, because it meant he doesn't have to try again. Not yet.
He looks at Kay's hand gripping him knowing the time has come. Kay asked about that on the mission and he ordered him to talk. It must be inconvenient to have someone who will talk on missions with you. He's ordering to withstand the pain now, and Cassian tries to find someone stronger inside of him, knowing that there's no one but him.
He doesn't have time even for a nod. The pain is quiet at first, more like a burn, slowly becoming red, hot, then fire. Cassian bites the inside of his cheek, but it's Kay's words that help him to find the way out of growing pain to the anger. It hurts too, but differently, making Cassian forget about a safer way out of the situation, making him struggle in Kay's grip.
He must be lying, Cassian understands it, but he still hates him so much. He does up until the question, then he remembers his goal and bites his cheek again, shakily breathing out. It's just a way to make him angry, and it's a horrible thing to be glad about, but that very moment he is really glad his parents died earlier and Kay can't use them because he wasn't the reason of their death.
His anger doesn't cloud mind anymore, not that much, but the pain stands into the place that very moment - and it's louder, sharper than it was before. So Cassian, who thought it's a great moment for a proud curse or maybe "No" proclaimed with a stubborn dignity just whimpers quietly and shakes his head.

Отредактировано Cassian Andor (25-01-2019 01:43:16)



    Kay chuckles darkly when Cassian whimpers but doesn’t answer. “The general thinks it will. He thinks I will protect you, kiddo.” Kay’s hand, the one that’s slightly freer, finds a point along Cassian’s spine high on his neck and presses on it, hard. “Do you feel protected? Do you think a person who ruthlessly killed all of your people will have mercy for just one kid? Do you think I changed simply because I switched sides?”
    Kay kicks Cassian’s shin to make him kneel and practically headplants him into the ground, his movements precise and sharp, clearly calculated way beforehand. They’re on the ground, so this bit shouldn’t hurt Cassian’s face, just his pride.
    “When we were flying back here I was considering killing you. Saying you died on a mission. I could stage it easily enough, dump your body somewhere in space, make sure no one would ever mention you ever again. No one would find you, learn your name, your story, anything. The general would be devastated, of course. That girl—she would never know what happened to you.” He doesn’t even lie.
    This time, when Kay twists Cassian’s arm even more, he makes sure it hurts just as much as it would on a real mission, with a real person who really wanted to hurt the kid. A part of him is immediately alarmed and wants to release the kid, another part makes him stay in place. Not loosen his grip, if anything—make it stronger, inflicting even more pain on Cassian. When Kay was young, he was surprised at how fragile people were when they ended up in his hands. He is sure he can break Cassian’s neck but instead he just presses the point at the base of his skull even harder.
    This part wants to hear Cassian scream. Just to prove the point.
    “Just tell me something about her. Anything. I’ll make it stop,” Kay says almost sympathetically.
    Thinks about the safest—and the scariest—thing he can pull off on Cassian without the exercise turning into an actual health hazard. He immediately knows the thing. It’s going to hurt like hell. Knowing this, Kay waits a few more moments, giving Cassian some space to answer if he can’t take it anymore. It should be bordering on unbearable for a kid his age and judging from what Kay observed about him so far.
[nick]Kay Tooesso[/nick][status]what are the odds[/status][icon]https://s7.postimg.cc/akubc07uz/Chiwetel_Ejiofor.jpg[/icon][LZ]<br><center><a href="https://swmedley.rusff.me/viewtopic.php?id=75#p815">IDENTIFICATION CARD</a><br><br><img src="https://forumstatic.ru/files/0018/1a/00/81098.png"><br><b>Kay Tooesso</b>, <br>Alliance intelligence officer</center>[/LZ]



[status]odds? what odds?[/status][icon]http://s9.uploads.ru/vxoKZ.jpg[/icon][LZ]<b>Cassian Andor</b>, <br>your trouble[/LZ]It hurts. There's a kick to his leg, and he can't move his neck, and suddenly he is on the ground, listening to all Kay has to say, and it hurts so much. He wishes he knew what a good intelligence officer would do now, but there's no one but him - and it hurts - and Kay - and he is the reason it hurts. So much.
His hand is probably torn out of his socket, damaged beyond repair. Cassian knows it can't be true, but he is feeling it. Kay keeps talking, and Cassian wants to shout, to make him stop, but he just can't trust himself with speaking. Why is he doing that? To hurt, his neurons are shouting, but that's the only thing they are shouting at this point, because it hurts, it hurts so much.
Cassian tries to find another reason, but fails. He picks small bits. No one would know his name, because he is a child and he is unimportant. He won't cause any harm when he talks. If he talks. If he would talk. Or is it when?
Anything about the girl for a sweet absence of pain - isn't it a great deal? She doesn't even know Cassian, it's not like thet are friends, it's not like this information is important, he won't cause any harm, and it hurts so much. No one would care.
The pain grows stronger. Between ragged breathes Cassian thinks about the general. He will be devastated. He would remember and know. Kay would remember and know.
And he will stop this. Cassian shuts his eyes not to listen to himself and feels tears building up.
The pain has lost all it's attributes. The word is self describing - it is the pain, the word is blazing, branding his mind. Cassian tries to kick the ground, to stand up, to do anything, but his kick is weak, and he kicks thin air and goes limp, trying to swallow his tears and the scream building up inside him.
He fails to do both.

Отредактировано Cassian Andor (25-01-2019 11:15:10)



    Cassian screams, cries, and doesn’t say a word. The kid is stubborn, Kay will give him that. It’s good, it’s good—he releases him enough to give him a bit of space to breathe, to remember how it feels when there is no pain. Kay still holds Cassian down, immobilized, his grip strong but not bruising.
    “Talk,” he orders. “Then I will stop.”
    Kay finally half-dislocates Cassian’s shoulder in one quick and sure move. He knows what he’s doing, it will hurt so much it’s dizzying—or it felt that way to Kay once—but it’s not going to leave any permanent damage. Not with some bacta applied right after. Kay doesn’t know if the kid knows that, though, and he isn’t going to tell him until this is over. Kay holds Cassian in place, making sure he doesn’t hurt himself if he tries to wiggle out of this.
    “Talk,” Kay repeats calmly.
[nick]Kay Tooesso[/nick][status]what are the odds[/status][icon]https://s7.postimg.cc/akubc07uz/Chiwetel_Ejiofor.jpg[/icon][LZ]<br><center><a href="https://swmedley.rusff.me/viewtopic.php?id=75#p815">IDENTIFICATION CARD</a><br><br><img src="https://forumstatic.ru/files/0018/1a/00/81098.png"><br><b>Kay Tooesso</b>, <br>Alliance intelligence officer</center>[/LZ]



For a moment the pain is fading, making Cassian think everything is over. Kay doesn't threaten him anymore, just orders to talk as he ran out of ways to hurt him. This is good. Well, this is bad, but not that bad, and he survived, two years make a great difference, and he deals great with the


is so sudden Cassian can't breathe, he can't move either, he just presses his forehead to the ground, because the world is spinning, and the world is pain, and he needs something - anything - to remind him it's not.
Deep down Cassian knows he won't die, but right now he thinks he is going to, and he's afraid to die. He doesn't want to die. And everything hurts, and the world is spinning, and somehow the only constant thing in the world is Kay's calm voice.
"Please, stop," he rasps, "Please!"
Then choking on his voice Cassian says, "Thea. Her name is Thea."[status]odds? what odds?[/status][icon]http://s9.uploads.ru/vxoKZ.jpg[/icon][LZ]<b>Cassian Andor</b>, <br>your trouble[/LZ]

Отредактировано Cassian Andor (25-01-2019 21:03:19)



    Kay can almost feel the echo of Cassian’s pain in the way his body tenses up under Kay’s hands. He carefully surveys his own reaction. Is this urge to stop still here? Is he still alarmed that the kid is in pain? Can he break the kid even more if he needed to? Kay doesn’t react, lets the kid’s pain drag out until he feels he is in full control of his emotions, of his reactions. Cassian starts to talk, and Kay doesn’t feel a single thing.
    He could do this all day.
    Finally satisfied with his self-assessment, Kay releases Cassian, only to carefully flip him to his side and make him sit on the ground. Dislocating a shoulder is always easier than putting it back, and they better be in the best possible position they can muster. Kay quickly checks if Cassian is still conscious—some people’s nervous systems are so fragile they pass out from pain way too quickly.
    “This is going to sting. On the count of five. Five, four, three,” Kay doesn’t finish counting, making quick work of putting Cassian’s shoulder back. The pain is still going to nag at the kid for a while, but it should be bearable now. Once that’s done, Kay keeps steadying Cassian for a bit until he is sure the kid isn’t going to fall back and is in full control of his body. Only then Kay gets up and quickly takes a few steps back. “Breathe. Take your time,” he says calmly, his voice once again clear of any tone, devoid of emotion. “Stand up when you feel you can stand, and we are going to go see a doctor to get some bacta for you and make sure your shoulder is back to normal now. This part of the exercise is over, I am not going to hurt you anymore. You also shouldn’t worry about your secret, I am not going to tell anyone. It was just a means of providing you with needed experience under safe conditions. The rest of the exercise is just like I said—purely mental work.”
    Kay watches Cassian intently, ready to react if he decides to retaliate immediately. Which wouldn’t be his best decision, but the kid is only fifteen, and fifteen is not the age for the best decisions—it’s the age to try out all the decisions to learn which ones are the best.
[nick]Kay Tooesso[/nick][status]what are the odds[/status][icon]https://s7.postimg.cc/akubc07uz/Chiwetel_Ejiofor.jpg[/icon][LZ]<br><center><a href="https://swmedley.rusff.me/viewtopic.php?id=75#p815">IDENTIFICATION CARD</a><br><br><img src="https://forumstatic.ru/files/0018/1a/00/81098.png"><br><b>Kay Tooesso</b>, <br>Alliance intelligence officer</center>[/LZ]



[status]odds? what odds?[/status][icon]http://s9.uploads.ru/vxoKZ.jpg[/icon][LZ]<b>Cassian Andor</b>, <br>your trouble[/LZ]His shoulder is roaring with pain, but he doesn't die. Suddenly everything just goes back to normal save for the fact that he told the name, and he wasn't really going to die. Cassian ignores that until Kay says something, and counts, and then hurts him again. After that the pain is nothing compared with what he felt before, and ignoring doesn't work.
Kay is not around, and his hand hurts, but it's fine, and the words Kay had said hurt too, but that wasn't for real - or was it? Nothing was for real, except his tears and screams.
Cassian breathes in and out. He slowly gets up, sways but manages to stay on his feet. He trues to straighten up, but instead just puts his untouched hand on his pained shoulder. Eventually he lets it be and uses hand to wipe away his tears. He frowns "What?"
A secret, a mental work. Kay said terrible things, and Cassian tries to hate him, he really does, but his mind is blank, all his emotions are drained from his heart. He has no thoughts but one: if it was for real he would kill the Rebellion. So soon, so easy, with no second thoughts.
"If you were not you, she would be dead. I killed her. I killed everyone!"
He wipes away tears once more and tries to sniff silently.



    Fortunately, Cassian seems more concerned with the fact he gave up the name than with anything else. The kid’s naivety is refreshing, and Kay waits a few more moments before stepping closer to Cassian and carefully nudging him in the general direction of the medquarters. If they want this exercise to really leave no trace and not cause the kid any trouble in the future, they should get to the doctors as soon as possible. While dislocating someone’s shoulder is the least unpleasant thing while still hurting like hell, it is still a kind of injury. Even if it’s immediately fixed, and Kay made sure not to pull it too much out of the socket.
    “Quiet, Cassian. Answer me this,” Kay says once they start walking slowly. “In the grand scheme of things, how important is that name? Out of all the things you know, what would you consider important information that should not be betrayed under any circumstances?”
[nick]Kay Tooesso[/nick][status]what are the odds[/status][icon]https://s7.postimg.cc/akubc07uz/Chiwetel_Ejiofor.jpg[/icon][LZ]<br><center><a href="https://swmedley.rusff.me/viewtopic.php?id=75#p815">IDENTIFICATION CARD</a><br><br><img src="https://forumstatic.ru/files/0018/1a/00/81098.png"><br><b>Kay Tooesso</b>, <br>Alliance intelligence officer</center>[/LZ]



[status]odds? what odds?[/status][icon]http://s9.uploads.ru/vxoKZ.jpg[/icon][LZ]<b>Cassian Andor</b>, <br>your trouble[/LZ]Cassian suppresses his urge to recoil from Kay, and gives him something to concentrate. He stops crying and wipes his eyes one last time.
Kay is not an enemy, he is not an Imperial. Cassian almost knows why he said what he said. To prove his point, to show how easily attachment can be turned against him. how much they can hurt if people know where to aim. Kay knows where to aim but it doesn't make him an enemy. But for now Cassian has to remind himself about that.
"Out of all pain that can be caused how bad was that one?"
He can guess the answer. There is a pain that can't be fixed. The one that wouldn't let him out with tears and nothing else. The one that wouldn't be followed with bacta.
"If I fail at unimportant things, how can I trust myself with important ones?"
He stiffs his upper lip knowing they are leaving the empty part of the base. No one should really know what happened. But one thing he can't just let go.
"I know why you said what you have said. I got the point, attachment can hurt. But if you use it again, I will hurt you back. I don't know how, but I will. Don't do that ever again. Ever."



    Cassian doesn’t answer his questions, he just asks his own, but Kay allows it. The kid just endured his fair share of pain, he needs to calm down, clear his head. He should learn to recover quicker, but then again, there aren’t any real techniques how to do it. There are no real techniques how to endure pain either. Kay doesn’t answer Cassian’s first question—it doesn’t look like the kid needs an answer, so quickly he follows it with the second one. That one Kay doesn’t answer as well.
    “Do not,” Kay says slowly, calmly, not looking at Cassian but straight ahead, “threaten me. Whatever pain you think you can inflict on me to make me hurt—I’ve been through worse. Both physically and mentally. This exercise has nothing to do with your attachments.” That’s not even a lie. It really didn’t have anything to do with Cassian’s attachments. Only with Kay’s. “If you stopped and thought about my questions, and did the mental work, and with my help analyzed what has just happened to you, and what can you learn from it, you would’ve understood the point of it. Instead, you chose to threaten me, and pity yourself. Find me in the training grounds once you are done applying bacta to your shoulder, and to your wounded heart and pride.”
    Kay looks at Cassian for one long moment before turning and going his own way, not once looking back to check if the kid complied with his order.
[nick]Kay Tooesso[/nick][status]what are the odds[/status][icon]https://s7.postimg.cc/akubc07uz/Chiwetel_Ejiofor.jpg[/icon][LZ]<br><center><a href="https://swmedley.rusff.me/viewtopic.php?id=75#p815">IDENTIFICATION CARD</a><br><br><img src="https://forumstatic.ru/files/0018/1a/00/81098.png"><br><b>Kay Tooesso</b>, <br>Alliance intelligence officer</center>[/LZ]

Отредактировано K-2SO (26-01-2019 00:07:22)



[status]odds? what odds?[/status][icon]http://s9.uploads.ru/vxoKZ.jpg[/icon][LZ]<b>Cassian Andor</b>, <br>your trouble[/LZ]Cassian knows he has crossed the line the moment Kay starts to talk. A punishment for that is swift and straight, but Cassian isn't sorry. He is denied of an explanation, his one chance to draw anything but pain from his vicious mental training. But he is not sorry. They were here before, but unlike that first time his threat was empty. He could punch Kay and he did, he wasn't afraid of him on Uquine, but he can't hurt him, and they both know it.
But he isn't sorry.
He keeps telling that himself again and again watching Kay walking away, going to the medquarters and answering concerned questions on his own. No, he is not hurt, he didn't get into the fight, no one attacked him, it was just a training, and he is fine, he is, really. Medics seems to be satisfied with that, but in reality Cassian is drowning in a self-pity, and while bacta helps with the shoulder it does nothing to help his hurt pride. The fact that Kay instantly knew he was driven by it doesn't help but doesn't matter. But he is not sorry. He is not, despite the fact that by that point it sounds a lot like a wishful thinking.
In an hour he still is not sure he is ready to face Kay but he is where he should be and comes after spotting him and he makes himself not to look the other side but to meet Kay's gaze. "I'm not sorry," he says stubbornly and bites his cheek again as he did when he was in pain. "But I was wrong. I shouldn't have said that."



    Kay sits on a bench outside the building designated for training. It’s relatively empty at the moment, maybe just a few pathfinders training inside, but altogether not that many people—Kay counted everyone who went in and out since the moment he sat down. When he spots Cassian approaching him, he turns his head and watches the kid silently. It’s been an hour. Kay expected longer. If anything, he was fully prepared to only see Cassian tomorrow. But the kid comes to him even though he is clearly not in a very pleasant mood. It’s understandable, Kay doesn’t blame him.
    The silence drags out once Cassian finishes his half-apology. Kay doesn’t really care if the kid is sorry or not, human relationships are alien to him in most instances, and this is just one of many. He nods at the spot on the bench next to himself.
    Kay doesn’t begin talking immediately after that, he doesn’t begin in half a minute, he doesn’t in two minutes. For once in his life, he is actually busy trying to phrase what he wants to convey in such a way as to not hurt the one he’s going to be saying it to.
    Finally, he settles with, “Sometimes it is enough to just ask. Make a friend, not an enemy, kiddo.” Kay turns his head to Cassian, looks him in the eye—by this point you wouldn’t really guess the kid was crying and screaming an hour and a half ago. “Work smart, not hard.”
    Kay falls silent for a few moments, then continues, “If it benefits you in the future, I will hurt you again. I will keep hurting you as long and as much as you need to learn the lesson. If you don’t agree with my training methods, feel free to go to the general and ask to get reassigned to someone else.” Kay actually finds himself curious if that would work. He feels there’s something else, something bigger at play, he just can’t figure out what exactly. “But before you do that, let’s finish the exercise. You didn’t answer my question an hour ago so I will repeat it. In the grand scheme of things, how much really important information do you know? Was the name important to anyone on this base,” Kay gestures around, ”except you? Don’t rush into the answer and don’t begin with self-pity again. I am also not interested in how much did I hurt you, I know exactly how much. This is why you are alive and relatively well right now. Think about the things I am asking you to think about, and only about them. Concentrate.”
[nick]Kay Tooesso[/nick][status]what are the odds[/status][icon]https://s7.postimg.cc/akubc07uz/Chiwetel_Ejiofor.jpg[/icon][LZ]<br><center><a href="https://swmedley.rusff.me/viewtopic.php?id=75#p815">IDENTIFICATION CARD</a><br><br><img src="https://forumstatic.ru/files/0018/1a/00/81098.png"><br><b>Kay Tooesso</b>, <br>Alliance intelligence officer</center>[/LZ]

Отредактировано K-2SO (26-01-2019 15:41:49)



[status]odds? what odds?[/status][icon]http://s9.uploads.ru/vxoKZ.jpg[/icon][LZ]<b>Cassian Andor</b>, <br>your trouble[/LZ]Cassian sits, and for a couple of minutes there is nothing but silence. He is ready to get some snarky telling off and patiently waits preparing himself for it. But he gets none, Kay is calm and suggests the easiest way out of everything that happened.
Nothing in his words implies that if Cassian won't go to the general, Kay will request his reassigned himself, which is good, but hard, because it means that it's up for him to decide. Deciding is easy, because he likes Kay. But it's hard because he just can't resist the urge to protect his past no matter what, and Kay seems to know it and keeps using it. He barely remembers people he mourns, he barely mourns them at all if he's completely honest with himself, but every time he hears about them and do or say nothing feels too much like betraying them. Being one of few people who remembers something is hard. Cassian doubts it will ever be better than that. But Kay is right. He has to learn to be better than that.
Cassian sighs and makes himself think before he answers. He carefully gets around the void of self-pity and hurt pride, his feelings that should be hidden away and stay a secret and a distant echo of pain he can barely feels by this point. He leaves his complicated attitude to his past and thinks about Kay's questions only.
"Except the location of the base, I guess, none. I know nothing important at all. The name just a personal matter. It's nothing."



    Kay nods and asks his next question, “Do you think the general knows a lot of important information?”
    "Sure thing. I bet he knows everything."
    Kay nods again, “And how often do you think he takes part in field missions?”
    Kay knows the answer to this question. First of all, during his time with the Empire, he got to the rank when you just stop going to the field missions. Secondly, the general is this constant force behind everything, and in order to be that force, he has to stay at the base. In the center of everything. Somewhere where he doesn’t have to think about his own safety every single moment of every single day and can dedicate that brainpower to the more important things.
    The thing is, no sane commander will ever send a person who knows too much sensitive information to the field. Not in the Empire, not in the Rebellion, nowhere. This is not how things are done. It’s not at all like the stuff they picture in holomovies or write down in books. It’s simpler, plainer, less interesting. Almost boring.
    But then again, sometimes it isn’t. After all, Kay killed a general. But they weren’t in the field. They were in the general’s personal quarters. And the bastard never even saw it coming. Kay wills himself to stop thinking about it, stop remembering. It’s not important. He’s in the middle of a teaching moment with Cassian. The kid must realize they don’t live in a movie. This is the real world.
    In the real world, there is no technique to withstand pain.
    Withstanding pain is not important at all.
[nick]Kay Tooesso[/nick][status]what are the odds[/status][icon]https://s7.postimg.cc/akubc07uz/Chiwetel_Ejiofor.jpg[/icon][LZ]<br><center><a href="https://swmedley.rusff.me/viewtopic.php?id=75#p815">IDENTIFICATION CARD</a><br><br><img src="https://forumstatic.ru/files/0018/1a/00/81098.png"><br><b>Kay Tooesso</b>, <br>Alliance intelligence officer</center>[/LZ]



[status]odds? what odds?[/status][icon]http://s9.uploads.ru/vxoKZ.jpg[/icon][LZ]<b>Cassian Andor</b>, <br>your trouble[/LZ]Cassian thinks he has to tone down his admiration for the general. Speaking of personal matters, Cassian doesn't like to be too explicit about this one. They are on the base, of course, and the base is safe, and Kay is one of them, no matter what other people are thinking of him. But some things just should stay secrets.
"He... doesn't?"
Cassian tries to remember if any of Intelligence generals ever took any field missions. They sometimes fly to some negotiations and never talk about them, not before, not after, but most of the times they are here.
"He stopped going on missions when he became a major, I guess. Around that time. But I thought..."
It's not about what he thinks, and Cassian stops himself.
"On Uquine you told me to tell everything. You are saying that's what always has to be done? That you would tell everything as well? Because there's nothing important we can say?"



    Kay nods, approving Cassian’s answer—that’s right, the general doesn’t. Not really. Not to the kind of missions they are typically tasked with. He would fly to no Uquine to find a bunch of rebels there. This is not his scope. Quite frankly, it’s not Kay’s either, but he isn’t here to climb to the top of the command chain. If anything, he actually has to avoid doing it if he wants to survive. Kay watches as the pathfinders who were training are now leaving the building and slowly shuffling somewhere in the general direction of the canteen.
    “Ah, he begins putting it together,” he says in his usual tone, not looking at Cassian. “The purpose of torture is rarely to extract information. People either torture others because this is what they like to do, or because they want to break the person. Physical pain is unimportant, it will come and go, a body would heal, lost limbs can be replaced with tech. All of your body can be. You can’t replace a person’s broken mind. If you lose it—you lose it, kid.”
    Kay turns his head and looks at Cassian, his stare unblinking, his every feature suddenly sharp, more pronounced. He isn’t going to describe to the kid what he saw on this side and on the other side, too, but it doesn’t mean he doesn’t get bright images springing readily in front of his imaginary eye.
    “There is no magical technique to withstand pain, no trick, no nothing. You can try to recalibrate your pain threshold, but it’s more of a genetic thing than something you have control over. If for whatever reason the person who is torturing you wants to know something from you, your job is to carefully assess how important this piece of information is. If it is crucial for the survival of the Rebellion, then your job most likely is to find a way to die quickly before you give it up—and you will give it up, sooner or later, no matter how trained or skilled you are. But the general won’t send you to that kind of sensitive missions yet. If it is not crucial, and the location of the base is not all that important, trust me, then you give it up before there is some irreversible damage done to your head. The worst consequence of torture is psychological. It’s the type of trauma that will prevent you from trusting others, can make you paranoid, guarded, downright insane if you’re unlucky.”
    Kay falls silent for a few moments.
    “You are fifteen, Cassian. No one on that side would think you know anything important, they are not dumb. I speak from experience. So if they do catch you and do decide to torture you, unlikely it’s the information they’re after.”
    He falls silent again. The kid might get scared, but scared is good, being scared keeps a person alive.
    “What hurt you more, what I was doing with my hands or with my words?”
[nick]Kay Tooesso[/nick][status]what are the odds[/status][icon]https://s7.postimg.cc/akubc07uz/Chiwetel_Ejiofor.jpg[/icon][LZ]<br><center><a href="https://swmedley.rusff.me/viewtopic.php?id=75#p815">IDENTIFICATION CARD</a><br><br><img src="https://forumstatic.ru/files/0018/1a/00/81098.png"><br><b>Kay Tooesso</b>, <br>Alliance intelligence officer</center>[/LZ]

Отредактировано K-2SO (26-01-2019 20:26:40)



[status]odds? what odds?[/status][icon]http://s9.uploads.ru/vxoKZ.jpg[/icon][LZ]<b>Cassian Andor</b>, <br>your trouble[/LZ]What Kay says goest against almost everything Cassian believes to be truth. No one taught him those things before, so his truth is just bits picked up or imagined and randomly put together. He tries to step aside and to look at it critically. It's not hard to notice his truth lacks the base and the sense. Kay's words sound like real truth. So Cassian looks for the one last time for believes he crafted himself and destroys it.
He questions Kay's words though. Knowing him it can be another test, another way to see if Cassian has started to think for himself.
"You don't trust others. You are guarded."
It doesn't contradict his words. It just means Kay knows what he is talking about. That he speaks from experience, as he just told. Cassian doubts that to be broken after a torture is the only way you can become guarded, but he gets the conversation off the topic anyway.
"It both hurt, but differently. At first what you've said helped. It distracted me from a real pain. From the physical one," he finds better way to say it, because both were real. "Then not so much. It was different. I wanted to stay silent, when you hurt my hand and shoulder, but I wanted to shout at you for what you said. That one I didn't want to bear. I didn't know how to."
He looks down for a moment.
"Bacta helped with the shoulder. But your words... that still hurts. A little bit. It won't. Kay, how... I mean, they are saying things about you. It doesn't bother you, I guess. But did it, did it hurt? What did you do to stop feeling that way?"

Отредактировано Cassian Andor (27-01-2019 00:12:56)



    Kay suppresses the urge to look at Cassian quizzically. He is guarded? He doesn’t consider himself to be. A guarded person wouldn’t turn their own personal life into a fun Q&A game for a teenager. Kay thinks of others on the base. Does Cassian consider him guarded because he isn’t running around hugging everyone like some kind of an insane person? Maybe they have drastically different definitions of ‘guarded’. Yes. This must be it.
    He definitely isn’t a person’s person when he’s not on a mission. All of the relationships he maintains these days are only in place because he needs them to achieve what he wants. And what he wants is freedom. It’s possible to consider such attitude ‘guarded’ if you’re like Cassian—open, friendly. The kid who even managed to befriend him. To a certain extent. Kay reminds himself how easily he could’ve broken the kid’s neck if he wanted to, he didn’t feel any remorse, any urge to stop. Well, he did. At first. But he overcame that.
    “I stopped caring,” Kay answers. It sounds final.
    It sounds like a Star Destroyer suddenly coming out of the hyperspace over a planet and hanging there, an intimidating presence, a promise of death and destruction and desolation. It sounds like a person choking on his own blood, his eyes wide in surprise, his fingers helplessly grabbing at the lapels of Kay’s Imperial uniform. It sounds like that final whisper—“You motherfucker”—to which Kay never answered anything because he stopped caring that moment.
    Once and for all.
    “Before I came to the Rebellion. Now this is just,” Kay stops abruptly, frowns, “existing. I only care about you because the general said I had to. The same logic applies to everything else. It’s a terrible method, I don’t suggest you ever do it my way. What you could do—and what would be the healthy way to go—is to deal with your trauma and work through it. You’ll still have a scar in the place that used to be Fest in your heart, but at least it wouldn’t be an open wound easy to stick fingers in and twist to make you hurt. Find a person you can trust with this part of you and ask them for help. Or even better—find a professional and let them help you. The probability that there’s someone around here who’s got proper training is very high.”
[nick]Kay Tooesso[/nick][status]what are the odds[/status][icon]https://s7.postimg.cc/akubc07uz/Chiwetel_Ejiofor.jpg[/icon][LZ]<br><center><a href="https://swmedley.rusff.me/viewtopic.php?id=75#p815">IDENTIFICATION CARD</a><br><br><img src="https://forumstatic.ru/files/0018/1a/00/81098.png"><br><b>Kay Tooesso</b>, <br>Alliance intelligence officer</center>[/LZ]

Отредактировано K-2SO (27-01-2019 02:17:28)



[status]odds? what odds?[/status][icon]http://s9.uploads.ru/vxoKZ.jpg[/icon][LZ]<b>Cassian Andor</b>, <br>your trouble[/LZ]Fest is a problem, Cassian knows it despite pretending it's not. But Kay is a part of that problem, and what he can do with that, Cassian doesn't know. Even the general who knows everything didn't know Kay was involved. And Cassian knows for sure if anybody else said what Kay has said, it wouldn't hurt that much.
It's not just Fest, it's the reason of it's brutal and final death Cassian was so lucky to escape is giving him careful advice and is a wonderful, but over complicated person.
Can he talk about that? Should he talk about that? Maybe Kay was right and the reassignment is a right thing to do. Kay wouldn't care any way. Especially if the general says him to stop.
Cassian stops himself, recognizing the path to the self pitying. He has taken it today already, it's more than enough for one day. Cassian starts all over again and discovers a new option. He can just ask.
Than he does, "If I do what do I tell about you? If anything at all, I mean." He adds it because otherwise it sounds almost like something inevitable and he doesn't want it that way.
"Did you ever go yourself? You know, to start caring again. Like, sometimes, about some people. When you can, and you want, and it's safe."

Отредактировано Cassian Andor (27-01-2019 14:42:15)



    “You tell anything you want and feel like saying. As far as I understand, such sessions with a professional are strictly private.”
    Kay considers the probability of such information getting out. Then what would happen if it did. In the grand scheme of things, it wouldn’t change anything around here for him. This fact of his biography, given the rest of it, isn’t such a big deal. Most importantly, it’s unlikely going to affect the general’s opinion. Kay would still have him on his side. It’s absolutely safe.
    “No,” he answers Cassian’s question simply. “I find caring tiresome and unimportant for continual existence.” Kay doesn’t say he finds continual existence kind of unimportant in some cases as well, but he thinks about it loud enough. “I never cared much in the first place. When you don’t care it’s impossible to manipulate you through people that surround you. It’s impossible to hurt you. It’s like being under anesthetic. Even if you are hurt, you just don’t pay attention to it, just keep functioning.”
    Kay should probably add that it also means he doesn’t feel happy, or relieved, or content, or anything on the positive side of the spectrum as well. He doesn’t. Cassian is smart enough to guess it on his own, and if he doesn’t then it’s for the better. They’re not here to discuss him anyway.
    “What are your other sensitive spots mentally, apart from Fest? You should discuss all of those too. If you work through all the things that can potentially be used against you, firstly, you’d be aware of them, secondly, you would know what to do if they do get used against you. How to turn a defect into an effect. The purpose of the exercise was to show you that you have just as many sensitive spots mentally as you do physically—everyone does—and they hurt just as much. We will repeat this particular exercise only if you manage to forget about it and don’t work through your issues with someone. This part of the day is over, you have free time until lunch now.” Kay dismisses Cassian but doesn’t move from the bench himself.
[nick]Kay Tooesso[/nick][status]what are the odds[/status][icon]https://s7.postimg.cc/akubc07uz/Chiwetel_Ejiofor.jpg[/icon][LZ]<br><center><a href="https://swmedley.rusff.me/viewtopic.php?id=75#p815">IDENTIFICATION CARD</a><br><br><img src="https://forumstatic.ru/files/0018/1a/00/81098.png"><br><b>Kay Tooesso</b>, <br>Alliance intelligence officer</center>[/LZ]



[status]odds? what odds?[/status][icon]http://s9.uploads.ru/vxoKZ.jpg[/icon][LZ]<b>Cassian Andor</b>, <br>your trouble[/LZ]Cassian wonders if Kay misses caring. Even if it's tiresome, even if was tuned down all his life. That he doesn't ask. He doesn't ask if it was worth it too. That he knows himself. It's impossible to know what was worth what until the war ends. After that either everything would be fine or they would be dead. 
Instead of asking he just smiles.
"So, that's what motivational speeches look like to you?" Cassian rubs his shoulder. "But I'll do it. I don't want to get myself - or you - in trouble or get us killed because of things I don't like to think about."
He's especially grateful that Kay doesn't ask about those things. He just suggests Cassian should talk to someone. So he is not going to use them against him for another training session. Or, perhaps, he doesn't really need Cassian telling him about anything. Maybe he can just look at him and know everything. Cassian is trying very hard to see Kay as another agent, not some impossible droid-like superhuman. He could never be as good as the latter, and he wants to be as good as Kay is. Minus all things he doesn't really like, like not caring, and not planning to live through the war.
Cassian stands up. He doesn't want to leave Kay alone, but after the talk he thinks he should. Cassian has to ask around about people who can help him. And he absolutely has to invade a kitchen to see carbohydrates and protein and to know what he will eat. Besides, if caring is tiresome, then he is tiresome too. And Kay needs and deserves free time too.
But what he does with it? Cassian never sees him with other people - that is totally understandable now. But if he doesn't care, if life is tasteless to him, what does he do, when he has time and opportunity to live, to just be?
Cassian sits down again, not daring to ask. It's too personal, and he doesn't really know if he is right. If that's not too much to drag out of Kay's answer. And even if he is right, who said that Kay considers it to be a bad thing?
"Your cooking is not tasteless!" Cassian blurts out. "I mean... I remember about nutrition stuff you've told me about. But what you cooked on Uquine was good, it wasn't just nutritional, it was good. That's something. Can you teach me that too? Not right now, not today, I don't need you to care or to pretend you do. But if you have some free time, and you think you want to do something you like, will you show me? It will be highly educational, and I won't bother you at all. I promise. I'll make sure no one bothers you. So you can do something you like with your free time too. Okay?" he stands up again, full of enthusiasm.



    Kay tries to understand if Cassian is joking or not. Somehow, he finds it terribly difficult. There is a 74% chance the kid is joking. Was it a motivational speech? Did Kay intend it to be? Does Cassian need them? Is this him asking for a motivational speech? Should Kay provide one? He sits very still, going through his memories in an unfruitful attempt to find any motivational speech to use it as a reference. He’s got to admit: life didn’t shower him with motivational figures. Most of the time he motivated himself through hatred. First, it was hatred for his place as a slave, then hatred for the bastard. Hatred doesn’t quite fit in with motivational speech kind of thing.
    Luckily, by this point, Cassian moves on and gets up from the bench. Kay still doesn’t move. It’s quiet here, with no people around, and he can sit and think. Something about Cassian’s question—if he’d like to start caring again—just nags at him. Would he? Why should he? And about who—the kid? The probability of his next mission also being his last is too high. It’s unproductive to care at this point. It’s never productive to care.
    Cassian sits back down, and Kay turns his head to look at the kid.
    Of all things, Cassian decides to talk about cooking. Kay looks at him with no emotion on his face. Very carefully he reminds himself: it’s never productive to care. The sure way in which the kid talks about him liking cooking is alarming. Cooking is just a process, something Kay does because he has to and because it’s an effective way to think. Why is the kid so sure he actually likes it? He doesn’t need to think like that here. There is no profit in cooking at the base. Also, the sheer enthusiasm emanating from Cassian is simply terrifying.
    “That sounds like you are going to kill anyone who bothers me,” Kay remarks dryly. “There is no practical need for me to teach you how to cook. Teaching you about poisons, spice and how to concoct an explosive out of household items is more relevant to your training, but not at the moment. Run along, kiddo. Come back here at 3 pm.”
[nick]Kay Tooesso[/nick][status]what are the odds[/status][icon]https://s7.postimg.cc/akubc07uz/Chiwetel_Ejiofor.jpg[/icon][LZ]<br><center><a href="https://swmedley.rusff.me/viewtopic.php?id=75#p815">IDENTIFICATION CARD</a><br><br><img src="https://forumstatic.ru/files/0018/1a/00/81098.png"><br><b>Kay Tooesso</b>, <br>Alliance intelligence officer</center>[/LZ]



At the end of the day Kay is right: Cassian hates this day. He is tired and miserable, and there are too much muscles in his body that are too sore, and there is  is a week of similar days ahead. He can go to the general and ask to spare him, Cassian knows he would listen and help. He chooses not to go and falls asleep instead. He has a long week ahead, he needs his sleep.
He finds himself a help for the weak spots in his heart the very next day. Surprisingly, it's working - slowly, sometimes he doesn't want to talk at all, sometimes it's hard to talk because he has almost no memories, just the pain that's all over the place. But Cassian returns day by day, because if he fails to deal with it, Kay will repeat his painful training. His shoulder doesn't hurt anymore but e remembers the pain too well. He doesn't take Kay's promise as a threat, but doesn't consider it to be an empty promise too. Just something inevitable and unchangeable, a clear sign that he does something really wrong.
Prudently he doesn't tell his medic about that knowing he wouldn't understand. He rarely mentions Kay at all discovering that he may be the reason he can't suppress his past, but he's not the reason why the past hurts at the first place.
He doesn't bother Kay any more. If he likes to be left alone, he should have his alone time. It leaves him more free time. At first Cassian uses it to hang out with his friends, but it's hard to just ignore every time Kay - his Kay - is called an Imp. He even starts a couple of fights but only in words and he has a strong feeling he has lost every time.
So instead Cassian starts to bother the kitchen staff. He is so good at it, by the end of the week - just to keep him and his questions at some - any at all - distance - all meals in mess are signed, so Cassian - and anyone else who is interested if interested at all - can know what he is eating.
Cassian takes it as a victory.
At the end of the week he doesn't hate it at all. [status]odds? what odds?[/status][icon]http://s9.uploads.ru/vxoKZ.jpg[/icon][LZ]<b>Cassian Andor</b>, <br>your trouble[/LZ]

Отредактировано Cassian Andor (28-09-2019 19:43:05)



    Kay doesn’t remember the last time he has been on the base for so long. Before, the general made sure to keep him busy—in fact, busy and as far away from the base as possible. Kay kept slowly gaining his trust, and if he is being honest with himself, blowing up Imperial facilities, killing Imperials, undermining their plans not only helped him with his goal but brought him pleasure as well. Still, Kay finds it peculiar that the general is keeping him, well, not occupied. He would understand if the general left Cassian at the base and gave Kay some other task before pairing them up for another mission once the kid is a bit more knowledgeable. But the general did nothing of the sort. If Kay didn’t know better, he would think the general actively evades him and his possible questions. However, the probability of him just being busy is high, so Kay goes with this version. The mission will come along in due time.
    Meanwhile, Kay concentrates on the task at hand. Cassian is making progress, and rather fast. Kay makes sure to keep his training intense bordering on overwhelming. Even outside of the training schedule—intellectual exercises in the morning and physical activities in the second half of the day—there isn’t a safe spot, safe time for Cassian on the base. Kay doesn’t care much about his friends or other occupations. If the kid wants to survive he needs to always be prepared, ready to fight, run, lie, find his way out of all kinds of situations, anywhere, at any moment, however inconvenient it is.
    Once Kay even startles Cassian out of bed in the dead of the night.
    The kid is doing good.
    Kay walks to the medquarters, twisting and turning his wrist that might or might not be sprained from today’s training session. As per usual, there is only one medic who isn’t above checking him while actually not being cold and nasty to him. Not that Kay cares much, but he likes to observe. This time, however, he’s not the one observing.
    “You did a big favor to the kid, you know,” the medic says, manipulating Kay’s wrist into different positions. He also knows not to ask Kay to remove the bracelet.
    Kay just looks at him, his expression disinterested.
    “Cassian. He’s going to be alright if you’re worried about him. He has things to work through, but we all agree he’s going to overcome them in no time. His shoulder is also doing good.”
    Kay turns away, winces slightly at his palm being pushed too far back.
    “Ah, I see,” the medic says and moves away to find appropriate medicine. He keeps talking, though, “Did you ever consider seeing somebody? A person like you should have some issues to work through as well. I mean, as an intelligence officer. We suggest everyone who has to deal with the things you deal with go to therapy more or less regularly.”
    “No,” is the only thing Kay says.
    “I am not going to force you, but you must understand that that kid’s life depends on your psychological stability as well. And yours does, too. Do not tell me you don’t care, I heard it a million times. Everyone cares. It’s an instinct. Imperial or not, you’re not a machine, Kay. Here, apply this to your wrist for a couple of days in the evening, cover it with this, and you should be fine.”
    “Thanks,” Kay looks at the little tube with some kind of gel and a stretch of elastic bandage and leaves without another word, taking his medicine with him.
    Talking to a rebel therapist, is the guy joking. Kay’s lowered his guard for Cassian but he’s not dumb. Also, what kind of a rebel therapist would be fine discussing the Empire—not the evil poster-propaganda Empire, but the real one? Kay can’t imagine. He doesn’t want to. He didn’t go to a shrink in the Empire and he isn’t about to start now. He’s been doing fine for the previous thirty-something years of his life. He’s not impaired by his issues in any significant way. Significant to work, that is.
    Cassian is another deal.
    It’s only towards the end of the second week that the general calls him in for the briefing early in the morning, and afterwards Kay finds Cassian in their usual spot for the intellectual exercises, which are usually done on the walk around the base, beginning in front of the barracks.
    “We’ve got a new mission,” Kay says. “It’s time sensitive. Grab your stuff, we’re leaving in fifteen. Find me in the hangar, we’ll go with the supply shuttle.”
    He doesn’t care enough to hide the relief from finally going away from the base.
[nick]Kay Tooesso[/nick][status]what are the odds[/status][icon]https://s7.postimg.cc/akubc07uz/Chiwetel_Ejiofor.jpg[/icon][LZ]<br><center><a href="https://swmedley.rusff.me/viewtopic.php?id=75#p815">IDENTIFICATION CARD</a><br><br><img src="https://forumstatic.ru/files/0018/1a/00/81098.png"><br><b>Kay Tooesso</b>, <br>Alliance intelligence officer</center>[/LZ]

Отредактировано K-2SO (10-02-2019 23:00:46)



[status]odds? what odds?[/status][icon]http://s9.uploads.ru/vxoKZ.jpg[/icon][LZ]<b>Cassian Andor</b>, <br>your trouble[/LZ]By the end of the second week Cassian knows everything can be a test and he should be cautious all the time. He's not safe even when he is sleeping. He knows for sure if it was anyone but Kay startling him in the dead of night he would be too alarmed to sleep ever again. But it was Kay, and he trusts Kay.
Trusting is not easy for him. He trusts the general. And now he trusts Kay too. But apart from that he is friendly and likable and nice to everyone. He knows he is safe in the Rebellion. He believes in the Rebellion and rebels. But he doesn't trust that easily.
It's a thing that the medic notices quickly enough. The thing that Cassian notices as quickly is he can't trust even himself. It's small things at first. He notices them mostly because he keeps trying to read everyone's body language. He tries - and fails - to read the medic too. But he doesn't fail to see that according to his own body language he is lying when he thinks he is telling the truth.
"It's not lying," the medic says when Cassian comes clean with his eyes wide from shock. "You just don't know the answers yet. It's hard, that's exactly why people can't do that on they own. You'll get there in time."
But the whole idea is unsettling and he doesn't know what to do with it. So he is overjoyed to hear they are leaving, although this time he knows better than to show it.
Kay looks surprisingly happy himself, though. So whilst Cassian suspects it may be another test to see how fast and well he can pack up for the mission he knows nothing about, he knows it's for real. He comes to the hangar and looks around to see Kay and reminds himself once again: his fifteen-percent mission is about to start. But he doesn't have to face his chances alone.
Not yet.



    The pilot of the supply shuttle is a quiet old fella. He just nods to Kay on his way inside the ship and leaves him to wait for Cassian alone. Kay checks the documents, glancing over his name. Oh boy, this is going to be quite a trip. He would be amazed if the kid has been to Coruscant before. He has been—twice, but a long time ago. As an imperial officer, but any trace of that is long gone both from the ecumenopolis and himself.
    You’d think he would have a scar, but no, there isn’t even the tiniest spot.
    Still, it will be more difficult for him than—ah, Cassian. Kay lifts his eyes and greets the kid with a silent nod to the ship. Two ID cards disappear in his pocket as Kay picks up the bag and boards the shuttle himself. It’s not the biggest freighter and it will only get them as far as Taanab. The supply shuttle is going to get some much-needed ration packs there and some other things needed for the base. They will have to take off on their own. It’s a relatively easy road from there, they just have to follow Perlemian Trade Route.
    “Ready for take-off,” Kay says to the pilot and walks back to the general area, where he opens the bag—evidently not his own—and draws out two sets of clothes. He gives one to Cassian, “Put these on. Leave your own clothes here in the bag, the pilot will deliver them safely back to the base. We’ll pick them up once we return.”
    Kay turns his back to Cassian and without further ado pulls his own clothes off—they really don’t have time for shame, and the kid knows the story anyway. Kay’s back is a mess of long scars from whipping, nothing new or unexpected. The new clothes are significantly more expensive than what he is used to now, and Kay puts them on with a caution of a man who doesn’t quite trust himself around such fragile things. The fabric is so light it might as well just not be there. How do rich people even survive in this, is beyond him. Although he must admit, they’re quite comfortable. Also, all these folds and whatnot can easily hide a blaster. Or a vibroknife.
    Carefully folding his own clothes, Kay puts them in the bag, slipping the ID cards back out of the pocket. They’re fake but good fake, Kay likes their quality. There shouldn’t be a problem slipping in through the Imperial outposts. He has another hour to explain their mission to Cassian. But first, he hands one of the IDs to the kid.
    “This is you.”
[nick]Kay Tooesso[/nick][status]what are the odds[/status][icon]https://s7.postimg.cc/akubc07uz/Chiwetel_Ejiofor.jpg[/icon][LZ]<br><center><a href="https://swmedley.rusff.me/viewtopic.php?id=75#p815">IDENTIFICATION CARD</a><br><br><img src="https://forumstatic.ru/files/0018/1a/00/81098.png"><br><b>Kay Tooesso</b>, <br>Alliance intelligence officer</center>[/LZ]

Отредактировано K-2SO (10-02-2019 23:35:57)



[status]odds? what odds?[/status][icon]http://s9.uploads.ru/vxoKZ.jpg[/icon][LZ]<b>Cassian Andor</b>, <br>your trouble[/LZ]The time sensitive mission appears to be a very time sensitive. There is no cabin decoration, no briefing, just short instructions, that Cassian follows. By this time he can tell the moments when Kay wants him to ask, to demand an explanation or - which is always the best option - to suggest his own reasoning from moments he wants the job to be done without talking. It's clear enough anyway. They are on a mission - a real one - it's time sensitive, and they need to become their personas right now.
All clear, but Cassian still doesn't change into a new - almost ethereal - clothes. He just can't take his eyes from scars that used to be wounds. He doesn't ask. It's too obvious - it did hurt. It even might still hurt, not physically, but the way Fest still hurts. It might hurt even more when someone is staring. So Cassian turns around and quickly changes into his new unpractical clothes.
He doesn't like it. He doesn't like the way it feels on his skin. Like the delicate fabric caresses and embraces him. He shouldn't feel that way. He is an agent, he is on the mission, among the people who wear such clothes everyday are those who created the Empire and who probably never had any wounds on their backs or their hearts.
"Aach Tolen."
He reads the name aloud and folds his clothes not in a sloppy and thin pile as he does most of the times, but in careful and neat way to give his new name some time to settle inside of him.
"I am Aach Tolen, I am wearing..." he wants to call it 'a dress' but he doesn't. "a robe, I guess? And I am heading... no, I don't know, Kay. Or who are you now?"



    Cassian looks odd in his new clothes—like they don’t fit, but Kay is fairly certain they do. With the people they will pretend to be, these types of things always fit like they were born in them. Kay stands tall, his shoulders and all his posture are relaxed yet there is some immediate presence about him, not quite royal but definitely very, very highborn. Or at least very rich and would-like-to-think-of-himself-as-highborn. It’s not something Kay likes to do—to pretend he’s one of them, but when he has to, he is damn good at it.
    “Sage Bastra, a friend of your father’s, I suppose,” Kay says, opening another compartment of the bag and pulling out two vibroknives in holsters. “Put one on the inner side of your arm, so you can pull it out easily enough. The sleeve will cover it.”
    Among the things Kay has taught Cassian recently luckily there was how to fight with a knife, or at least defend yourself long enough to find a blaster. Proper knife fight skills require time and practice, and two weeks aren’t enough to get properly good at them. He fixes his own vibroknife on his forearm and checks that the clothes hide it well.
    “We are two businessmen from Taanab traveling to Coruscant for a business meeting. More accurately, I am the businessman traveling, and you are a young but promising protégé of mine and a son of my dear friend. I am showing you the ropes and we are also interested in sightseeing. We’re not really,” Kay adds quickly, “but for the purpose of our cover, this is your first visit to Coruscant, and there are things your father would like you to see. Understood?”
    Kay sits down, puts the bag away, and looks at Cassian, checking how he looks in his clothes, if he starts to wear them more like his own. By the kid’s unimpressed “a robe” Kay guesses this is not something it would be easy for him to get used to. He has to, though. He will.
    “Our mission is to meet with an informant, get everything we need from him and get back to the base. You get to be a spoilt brat for the entirety of the mission but don’t get on my nerves too much,” Kay warns in an amused tone. “Or I will repay you once we get back to the base and you get back to your training. Questions?”
[nick]Kay Tooesso[/nick][status]what are the odds[/status][icon]https://s7.postimg.cc/akubc07uz/Chiwetel_Ejiofor.jpg[/icon][LZ]<br><center><a href="https://swmedley.rusff.me/viewtopic.php?id=75#p815">IDENTIFICATION CARD</a><br><br><img src="https://forumstatic.ru/files/0018/1a/00/81098.png"><br><b>Kay Tooesso</b>, <br>Alliance intelligence officer</center>[/LZ]

Отредактировано K-2SO (12-02-2019 20:02:30)



This is his first visit to Coruscant, and honestly he has never thought he would visit it anytime soon. Coruscant is dangerous, it's divided between imps and criminals, and despite having plenty of levels to climb up from any danger and enough corners to cover from blaster shots the price for failing to do so is too high. Nothing good happens on Coruscant. But the information from there is too important to skip the planet.
And he is heading there. He will visit Coruscant himself. Well, with Kay, of course.
Cassian listens to him carefully drawing invisible border of naughtiness and disobedience allowed to him and forgetting it the very next minute because real Aach has no need to calculate the outcome.
He fixes the holster on his arm and covers it. Then he reaches the knife to see how long does it take to be ready for a fight. He does it again and again, frowning when he looses precious seconds. Until he doesn't waste them anymore. Until he understands his ridiculous sleeves are actually a pretty good cover-up for the weapon.
"What's our business if anyone asks? Are we selling something?"
He looks at Kay trying to catch the relaxed way Kay holds himself. He doesn't try to copy it thought knowing Kay's posture and manner would look silly on him.
"Is it beautiful? Coruscant. Is it nice?"
[status]odds? what odds?[/status][icon]http://s9.uploads.ru/vxoKZ.jpg[/icon][LZ]<b>Cassian Andor</b>, <br>your trouble[/LZ]


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