Markus Lund, Poe Dameron
Время: IX.01 ABY and further
Место: Jedha and beyond
Описание: when time traveling, the most important thing is to never forget you’re in the past not the future, and everything around you has already happened once.
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Ищем генерала, гения, популярного политика, звезду пропаганды и любителя доминировать над этим миром.
Ищем самого спокойного и терпимого рыцаря Рен в этом безумном мире
Ищем медицинское светило, строгого медика, способного собрать мясной конструктор под названием “человек” и снова отправить его на работу.
Ищем самого отбитого мудака по мнению отбитых мудаков для Джин Эрсо.
Ищем подрастающее имперское солнышко, которое светит, но не всем.
Ищем генерала Дэвитса Дравена, командира самой задорной разведки в этой Галактике.
Ищем талантливого ученика и личную головную боль Магистра Рен.
Ищем генерала разведки, командира самой отбитой эскадрильи эвер, гениального актера, зловредного пирата и заботливого мужа в одной упаковке.
Ищем По Дэмерона, чтобы прыгнуть в крестокрыл и что-нибудь взорвать.
Ищем лучшего моффа Империи, по совместительству самую жизнерадостную сладкую булочку в галактике.
Ищем левую руку мастера Иблиса, самый серьёзный аргумент для агрессивных переговоров.
Ищем имперского аса и бывшую Руку Императора, которая дотянулась до настоящего.
Ищем сына маминой подруги, вгоняет в комплекс неполноценности без регистрации и смс.
Ищем майора КорБеза, главного по агрессивным переговорам с пиратами, контрабандистами и прочими антигосударственными элементами.
Не знаю, найдется ли здесь хоть один идиот, который рассчитывал бы получить за Тика с Веджем креды вместо лазболта.
Осталась в нем с юности некая капелька того, прежнего Скайуокера, который, как любой мальчишка, получал удовольствие от чужого восхищения собственными выходками.
Сюда не прилетят из соседней галактики, не припаркуется за углом синяя будка, ведомая меняющим лица чудаком в разноцветном шарфе, так что если хочешь спастись — спасай себя сама.
Вейдер знает про страх все, узнает все его оттенки, и вкус страха Тени ему нравится — сейчас. Не тем особенным ощущением, когда жертва состоит из чистого ужаса, теряя себя в нем, а скорее тем, что для разумного на такой должности это... приемлемо.
Это когда получаешь командирские нашивки, пропорционально звучности звания приходится чаще высовывать нос из расположения эскадрильи, где понятие нормы было явно смещено, туда, где вы, летуны, ненормальные на всю голову — а там и умело мимикрировать под эту внешнюю нормальность.
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Вы здесь » Star Wars Medley » Незавершенные эпизоды » Архив » [AU] We tell ourselves stories in order to live
Markus Lund, Poe Dameron
Время: IX.01 ABY and further
Место: Jedha and beyond
Описание: when time traveling, the most important thing is to never forget you’re in the past not the future, and everything around you has already happened once.
Well, this ain’t gonna cut it, and Poe learns it pretty quickly. He learns to call general Organa princess—he can’t bring himself to call her Leia. Leia is something so familiar and intimate, and he just doesn’t know her like that. He knows her as a general so he sticks to his guns even though it means everyone at the rebel base makes fun of him for it. The rebel base is a wonder in itself. First few days Poe wanders around with wide eyes and everyone thinks him a new recruit, but the thing is, he’s neither recruit, nor new, nor novice at making himself comfortable at whatever place the leadership calls a base.
Of course, they pass him as a recruit. Princess helps him out a lot while she’s there but then she’s gone so he’s left to his own devices. He tries not to stare at Tycho Celchu or Wedge Antilles—both of them so young and yet removed from the fame they are bond to acquire in the future. They don’t know him. Nobody does. Not a single soul, and the only thing Poe can pray for is to not run in with his father or his mother or uncle L’ulo.
Living in the past is kriffing hard, and no one has told him that while he was taking his history lessons.
Trying to figure out his way back to his own time is even harder, especially now when the civil war is full-on. The first Death Star was destroyed just a mere year ago, and Poe knows that there is going to be the second one. He can’t tell anyone. He can’t do anything, really, and it is painstaking to keep all this information to himself. So he busies himself with being as far away from the rebels and their base as he possibly can. At first Poe doesn’t even really understand where to begin his search, but he has done it—looking for something no one knows where to find—for so long in his own timeline that now it seems almost familiar.
His search brings him to Jedha. It is the most peculiar place, and full of interesting things. Poe thinks that maybe his accidental time traveling is somehow connected to the Force, and if he just gets enough info about it he can repeat the trick—this time moving 33 years back to the future. But there is no Jedi Order yet, and no one to ask. Master Skywalker definitely didn’t look like someone who has plentiful knowledge and experience with the Force back when Poe last saw him at the rebel base. So it’s up to himself to figure this one out, really.
Jedha City looks exactly like a place first destroyed by a massive green laser from the sky and then rebuilt back from what was left and then some. There are catacombs here, and Poe desperately wishes that out there somewhere there is a bit of the Temple of the Whills left, like a basement or something. Preferably filled with lots of useful Force stuff. Like a datacron detailing time travel, for example.
He knows it’s wishful thinking.
He still thinks about it while landing his x-wing in Jedha City and secretly stealing away into the catacombs. Poe heard the partisans lost their leader in the dreadful blast that destroyed the city, so he hopes they also lost any courage to go on, disbanded and will not trouble him. Just in case he leaves BB-8 in the x-wing with instructions to call for help if he doesn’t return within 24 hours, and keeps his blaster close. One of his hands is occupied with a map—the best one he could lay his hands on, anyway. The flashlight he uses tears away chunks of darkness to show him bleak stone walls and animal bones here and there, but there is nothing else. It feels like the time stopped here. Or maybe even never flowed in the first place.
They say he reminds them of Saw. Damn sure he does. He’s known no other way to behave, and he's been mimicking Saw’s behavior for the most part of his life. His patterns of actions are of Saw’s. For all they know Marcus Lund really can carry on with Saw’s legacy with his unspoken blessing. He is good with inspirational speeches, and he has some background and some Saw-style military training. He knows how to handle a weapon now.
He is still young, but he has a bunch of old advisers. He listens to them just enough for them to feel they are in control. ‘Don’t upset the old folk’, Saw said to him once. And Marcus obeys again and again. The old trouts are respected and treated as is customary.
The base on Jedha is the only constant thing in his life. Maybe that’s why he stayed. He also knows the moon well enough to manage and to support old connections. The ones that were not cut out under the impressions after Saw’s big fireworks.
The only big problems is that Marcus cannot divide the right from the wrong anymore. Without Saw or because of him. He needs a push in the new direction, but nobody around can really provide one. He needs to hear new sermons and see new visions by a mad prophet hence he is waiting. And then there comes a man.
They have blended into the catacombs completely for the past few… Weeks? Months? Years? Markus feels its dust under his nails and on his tongue as long as he could remember himself there. Once he came here just like this stranger, and he was not killed, and he was accepted. But he was a boy then, and he probably was not that suspicious as an adult could have been. For Saw everybody was suspicious, but Markus is not paranoid to the same extent. He is calm and not so fast with his decisions so when they tell him they have a spy he asks to speak with him first. He knows that if this man really is a spy they will kill him, and he won't be sorry. But something stops him, and it is as if the story repeats itself, in a way.
‘What is it you are looking for here?’, Markus asks this man who is literally brought to his knees in front of him under the heavy palms of his guards.
‘He was snooping in the tunnels’, one of the guards says in a heavy voice.
This man is a new feature in their dusty existence, and it does not seem a coincidence, when not that much time passed since ‘the fireworks’. He can be a spy, or he can be a wandering soul, and it is Markus who needs to tell them apart. It is interesting how the kneeling man does not seem to be frightened enough, and it is definitely not in his favor.
'You will need a good reason to get out of here alive', Markus warns the stranger.
They come out of nowhere—no really, Poe thinks, they might’ve come from the hidden alcoves or some hidden passes or something, but they definitely were not the creatures of the dark, born of it. They were ordinary beings, a bit tired, a bit harsh, but hey, he was wandering around their territory, right? At first Poe tries to fight but soon finds it futile. There are more of them than there is of him, and even if he could grab his blaster, he has no idea where to shoot at. He only ever sees the light once they apprehend him and make him walk further into the catacombs.
“Are you Saw’s folks?” Poe asks.
They must be.
“Are you going to kill me?” Poe asks.
No, or they would’ve done it the moment they saw him. Or at least, not right now. They might be thinking about killing him—but Poe has been in this situation before, he knows how to handle it.
No, he doesn’t. But he’ll figure it out, eh? He managed to escape from a kriffing First Order star destroyer. He can escape from a bunch of haggard catacomb warriors or whatever they call themselves these days. Saw must be dead at this point. They must have a new leader. This must be why they didn’t shoot him. He only has a small yet nasty cut on his shoulder from a vibroknife and a few bruises, but nothing threatening his life.
“Where are we... ouch!”
“You talk too much,” one of them says, and Poe shoots back a quick smirk. That does not make them like him more.
Once they are in some kind of a big cave, someone—with pleasure, he bets—punches him under his knees, so he drops to the ground and almost tips over, losing his balance for a second. His hands are tied behind his back with a simple rope, and it bites into his wrists. In front of him is a young man, human, maybe twenty, twenty-one tops. Too young to be their leader, for sure? He doesn’t explain anything, doesn’t say his name, doesn’t threaten him—not really. Poe straightens his shoulders. He can’t help but be defiant. He wasn’t scared of Kylo kriffing Ren, he ain’t gonna be scared of some dusty kid and his comrades. Even if they used to be Saw’s folks.
Partisans. That’s how they were called. Partisans.
“I hope you guys picked up my flashlight, I liked it,” is the first thing Poe says.
The warning flies right over his head, it seems at first, but then he cocks his head to the side, looking at the kid. If he’s not their leader—he can’t be—he could be leading this particular band, squad, what are they calling themselves? Anyway, the kid could be the one who has enough power to let Poe go. So he may just as well tell him the truth. Parts of it, at least, the ones that don’t make him sound like a complete lunatic.
“I’m looking for the Temple of the Whills or... whatever is left of it, anyway. Name is Poe, by the way. I’m hoping to find some answers that only the Force can give, and I was told Jedha is the place to look.” This part is true. “Or at least, it’s the place I haven’t looked at yet. Look, I don’t want any trouble. I imagine you guys don’t have many visitors, and I’d love to stay, but it’s really important I find the Temple and my answers as soon as possible. Not to sound alarming, but my life depends on it.” This part Poe hopes isn’t true. “So, you just give me back my flashlight and I’ll be on my way, won’t ever trouble you again. If you could also point me in the general direction of the Temple, that would be great and I’d possibly be out of your hair much sooner. How about that?”
Вы здесь » Star Wars Medley » Незавершенные эпизоды » Архив » [AU] We tell ourselves stories in order to live