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Нестор Рен

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Аарон Ларс

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Джаггед Фел

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Ора Джулиан

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Дерек Кливиан

Не знаю, найдется ли здесь хоть один идиот, который рассчитывал бы получить за Тика с Веджем креды вместо лазболта.

Люк Скайуокер

Осталась в нем с юности некая капелька того, прежнего Скайуокера, который, как любой мальчишка, получал удовольствие от чужого восхищения собственными выходками.

Генриетта Антиллес

Сюда не прилетят из соседней галактики, не припаркуется за углом синяя будка, ведомая меняющим лица чудаком в разноцветном шарфе, так что если хочешь спастись — спасай себя сама.

Дарт Вейдер

Вейдер знает про страх все, узнает все его оттенки, и вкус страха Тени ему нравится — сейчас. Не тем особенным ощущением, когда жертва состоит из чистого ужаса, теряя себя в нем, а скорее тем, что для разумного на такой должности это... приемлемо.

Гэвин Дарклайтер

Это когда получаешь командирские нашивки, пропорционально звучности звания приходится чаще высовывать нос из расположения эскадрильи, где понятие нормы было явно смещено, туда, где вы, летуны, ненормальные на всю голову — а там и умело мимикрировать под эту внешнюю нормальность.

Star Wars Medley

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Вы здесь » Star Wars Medley » Незавершенные эпизоды » Архив » [LOTR] If you pass the doors of Moria, beware!

[LOTR] If you pass the doors of Moria, beware!

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Gandalf, Aragorn

Описание: A sudden meeting of old friends.

[nick]Aragorn[/nick][status]estelator rex[/status][icon]https://pp.userapi.com/c847219/v847219634/17cca6/oz4QojSodbU.jpg[/icon][LZ]Aragorn Strider, a ranger[/LZ]

Отредактировано Tallie Lintra (28-01-2019 23:16:14)



    All stories begin with those who wander but aren’t lost. This one begins with a wizard who did, indeed, wander and now is, unfortunately, very much lost—but mostly in his thoughts. Gandalf has seen great many things come and go since his arrival to the Middle-earth, but lately things were more on the coming side and not enough on the going side. The Dark Lord was resurgent in little details, in the way the leaves trembled on the wind, the way less stars twinkled happily in the sky at night, in the way dark things gained strength and power across the land of Middle-earth.
    Gandalf came to Moria not looking for treasure, or battle, or anything else one might expect. He only ever stepped over the threshold to take a peek at how things were, and upon finding them impossibly, utterly bad, couldn’t just leave. The dwarves are dead. All of them. Not one, not two, not half—all. Every single dwarf in Moria is dead, and Gandalf stands amongst their corpses with grief and sorrow in heart.
    Moria itself is dead. And not even one soul in Middle-earth heard of this tragedy.
    The forces of darkness sneaked on them unexpectedly and massacred all of them. Gandalf shakes his head. It’s too soon, it’s all too soon. He needs more time to figure out the ring, to figure out why Bilbo lied, how it all clicks together. Why the ring seems so important. Gandalf steps away from the dead dwarves and into the next hall of Moria. He has to find out how much time he has left, and there is only one way he knows how. If he is right, if the Dark Lord claimed this place—he doesn’t have long. Several years, maybe. Maybe not even that.
    Gandalf steps cautiously while moving through one hall to the other and avoids corpses as much as he can. It would be bad luck and definitely a bad idea to disturb anyone here. To make even the slightest noise. To be discovered. It would certainly mean disaster to himself. Gandalf holds onto his staff and freezes. Then turns.
    There is someone else here. And it’s not a miraculously alive dwarf.
    But who?
[nick]Gandalf[/nick][status]Dreamer[/status][icon]https://i.postimg.cc/L4LNPVyy/gandalf.jpg[/icon][sign][/sign][LZ]<br><center><a href="https://swmedley.rusff.me">IDENTIFICATION CARD</a><br><br><img src="https://forumstatic.ru/files/0018/1a/00/18603.png"><br><br><b>Gandalf the Grey</b>,<br>a travelling wizard</center>[/LZ]



[nick]Aragorn[/nick][status]estelator rex[/status][icon]https://pp.userapi.com/c847219/v847219634/17cca6/oz4QojSodbU.jpg[/icon][LZ]Aragorn Strider, a ranger[/LZ]
   Aragorn was looking for an other ranger for tenth day. The ranger name was Howdyr and he went to spy on orcs four weeks ago. And there was no news or sign from him since that time. Someone said Howdyr was too young for their business. But undoudtedly he was a very skilled ranger.
   Why is "he was"? Maybe young man is still alive. But maybe not. Or maybe he is in captivity and death will seem the best way out for him. This thought made Aragorn frown.
   There were no results for more than a week of thorough searchers, except last place Howdyr had been visited was Moria. And here his tracks have broken up. But there are a lot of other tracks here. Dwarfs tracks and dead dwarfs. Orcs tracks and dead orcs. And there are such strange tracks that Aragorn have never seen before, awful tracks. As awful tragedy that befell great dwarfs kingdom. Majestic caves became a crypt for their sons.
    Having lost hope the ranger decided to leave Moria this morning - or it was evening, he wasn't aware of the time under the ground - but suddenly he found something interesting. Howdyr's belt!
    Aragorn ransacked all the hall and the nearest two too but the only thing he found were - again - orcs footprints. But they were different from those he had found earlier. They were new. The man blossomed and followed them.
    Some subtle sound made him stoped, froze. There were someone there. Orcs? Dwarfs? No, both of them would be more noisy.
   Aragorn drew his sword. Whatever it was - even Howdyr - he didn't want this someone caught him unawares.

Отредактировано Tallie Lintra (29-01-2019 01:38:59)



    The moment he stops, the other one stops too. Gandalf stands quietly, in thought. Be it an enemy, they would charge already—he’s alone, he looks like an old man, and one might think him defenseless. That would be a dire mistake. If not an enemy, then might it be a friend? No, no, a friend wouldn’t hide. Then it must be someone neutral, someone who doesn’t know yet if they’re a friend or an enemy.
    Gandalf taps his staff on the ground one time, “Rest your weapon, stranger,” he says. “I’m an old traveler and mean you no harm.”
    It would be good to shine some light in the dark halls of Moria, but Gandalf dares not. It would alert the evil that sunk its claws in this place. He allows his voice to be loud enough so it can be heard in all the nearest chambers, and hopes the echoes don’t carry it too far. Whoever is in here with him must answer now, or attack, or make themselves visible some other way, knowing now they are discovered. Gandalf stands tall and waits patiently for the stranger to decide who they would like to be, a friend or a foe.
[nick]Gandalf[/nick][status]Dreamer[/status][icon]https://i.postimg.cc/L4LNPVyy/gandalf.jpg[/icon][sign][/sign][LZ]<br><center><a href="https://swmedley.rusff.me">IDENTIFICATION CARD</a><br><br><img src="https://forumstatic.ru/files/0018/1a/00/18603.png"><br><br><b>Gandalf the Grey</b>,<br>a travelling wizard</center>[/LZ]


Вы здесь » Star Wars Medley » Незавершенные эпизоды » Архив » [LOTR] If you pass the doors of Moria, beware!